Cancellation Policy: We acknowledge these are uncertain times. Should we have to cancel or postpone this event for any reason we will refund your full registration cost.
Monday 2 November, 6-8pm
Key elements of assessment and learning stories. Te Whāriki (2017) writes of assessment being a “mana-enhancing process for all children, parents and whānau.” In this workshop we will look at the narrative approach to assessment through learning stories where we unpack and give heart to the formative assessment sequence of noticing, recognising and responding to valued learning.
Monday 9 November, 6-8pm
A closer look at Learning Dispositions and the Language of Learning. We will focus on the analysis of learning as it relates to the narrative. We will discuss and develop reflective writing, shifts in children’s thinking and making teaching and learning visible. Along with a focus on dispositions and what learning is happening here we will also look at how we, as teachers, can support children’s view of themselves as learners through the conversations we have and language we use with children. We will be drawing on the work of Guy Claxton and Margaret Carr and look at how the language we use can help our children to build their learning power!
Monday 16 November, 6-8pm
Building complexity and continuity using learning stories, planning stories and evaluation. In this workshop we will be looking at planning for individual children as well as for groups of children. We will look at Planning Stories or Stories of Interest that draw together Learning Stories, teacher reflection and intentions, community involvement, child, parent and whānau voice. They enable us to break through the chains of the old ways of planning and build a community of learners.