Weaving Te Whāriki Aspirations into Our Collective Learning Culture
Lorraine Sands, Educational Leadership Project
Wednesday 12 June, 7-8:30pm
We all have different stories, varied experiences, and unique world views. We celebrate this uniqueness, yet we are also committed, as early childhood kaiako, to being responsive to our mokopuna in ways that bring Te Whāriki aspirations to life. How then might we embrace the unique stories of our community while being very clear about the kind of learning culture we collectively aspire to? How do we figure out together ways to live Te Whāriki each day, in the small listening responsive, empathic moments as well as in the big value-laden messages we send to mokopuna, whānau, and each other through the ways we design our learning environments?
This workshop considers these ideas, particularly in light of the ways we nurture each other’s professional growth and provide evidence for ERO and the MOE that we meet our obligations to document our progress towards embedding Te Whāriki aspirations into our individual and collective practices.