Strengthening local curriculum in early childhood settings for our pēpi
Diana Cruse, University of Waikato
Wednesday 11 September, 7-8:30pm
Our pēpi thrive when they are in environments that nurture their wairua. Having a localised curriculum, that builds upon the strengths of whānau, hapū, and iwi is one way to implement this.
Building upon research from a 3 year Marsden research project and my PhD, this kōrero will explore ideas for early learning settings to create and strengthen relationships with whānau, hapū, and iwi, and unpack some of the benefits that this can have for our pēpi, whānau and communities.
As a previous centre owner and manager, an early childhood kaiako, and an iwi early childhood education advisor, I will look at this through various lens of governance, management and practice. I will also make links to our Professional Growth Cycle, Internal evaluation and Assessment practices, to assist our amazing early learning kaiako in their own teaching practices.
Mauri ora!