It is integral for us as leaders in ECE to deepen and strengthen our knowledge and delivery of te tiriti-centred leadership, in order to enact and remain true to Te Whāriki, our bicultural curriculum. Join Maria in a full-day waananga exploring what it means to be an effective, impactful leader in your place. Sit alongside other leaders and draw from the kōrero and insights shared. We will explore a range of whakaaro and strategies for kaiarahi to understand how they can fulfil their commitment within the partnership between tangata whenua and tangata tiriti including: deepening understanding of Māori models of leadership, leading in a mana-enhancing way, tīkanga Māori, ways of effectively working alongside local iwi and hapū, broadening competence and understanding of Māori ways of knowing, being and doing to strengthen overall bicultural leadership and practice.
To be held at Ventura Inn & Suites, Kirikiriroa Hamilton
9:00am-3:30pm on Friday 19 April 2024
Delicious morning tea and lunch provided