Ko te kai a te Rangatira, he kōrero – the food of the chiefs is dialogue
Maria Sydney, Educational Leadership Project
Wednesday 4 December, 7:00-8:30pm
We all know how important, vital really, it is to build and sustain respectful, reciprocal relationships with whanau in our hapori. We all know how important it is to value parent/ whānau voice in our curriculum. But, how do we make this happen when for example, our whānau aren’t really contributing on Story Park? How do we make this happen when our we are having our whānau aspirations or parent voice forms left empty? On reflecting on the whakatauki “Ko te kai ā te Rangatira, he kōrero – the food of the chiefs is dialogue” I think some of the solutions we seek are hidden in these kupu. Join us in a waananga that will aim to explore strategies that will help build and sustain whānau engagement and participation in your spaces. Mauri ora!