There is a lot to consider when thoughtfully implementing the regulatory requirements of an early childhood centre. We can centre the principles of Te Whāriki as a lens to look through for our vision, strategic planning, annual/action plan, internal evaluation, PROFESSIONAL GROWTH CYCLE, assessment, planning and evaluation, ensuring we do not loose sight of what is important: he tangata, he tangata, he tangata. We will talk about leadership from a te ao Māori perspective, knowing that the wisdom of old that has been passed down through pakiwaitara and whakatauki has stood the test of time and experience.
The day will provide you with time to reflect on what motivates you in your role. Leading with the heart to motivate and guide our work, taking the mundane and boring tick-box mentality out of what we do and move to creating a vibrant teaching and learning space for everyone – mokopuna, whānau and kaiako.